Saturday, July 29, 2006

Term - 2 - closing notes.

Time is of the essence I would like to say, but alas it sould so lame. So here I am, having finished term 2, sitting in the atrium and waiting for people to show up for their placement preference info. So let me reminisence about the term gone by.

Term 2 was a roller coster, Markstrat became a bit lame towards the later decision cycles.DMOP was awesome, Milind Sohoni was a gem. Real star, some great concepts learnt in DMOP options pricing, protfolio optimisation etc.Marketing-2 was OK, some more models BASS, LOGIT etc, but some real good conjoint studies. I'm sure it will prove useful later. But the gem was MacroEconomics, really enjoyed the course Krishna kumar and Ravi bansal were good, all the news I had been reading all the while just began making sense to me. Comp strat, such a good subject made drab.

Neways, just some more updated, got into the Placom. Aikya mom came and gave us some hope of a family away from home. My Birthday happened, and I was dunked. Football fever, watched the finals at Khemka, did well in my exams. Had a good presentation skills workshop. Think I'm losing weight.

Thatz about Term - 2, more on T-3 soon.



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