Another week gone by....a whole new perspective dawning.
Just to put things in context, we has lotsa stuff happening to us over the last 10 odd days. Our eco assn., finally was through after on last could has a zillion flip flops, threatning to go all bonkers on the slightest hint of a "better" soln. Well, my G has an amazing ability to justify that the "world is indeed flat, if most of the other G thinks so", well mez the biggest contributor to this profound line of reasoning. Lets leave it to rest, we had other stuff too. For eg. our mid terms, had it for stats and eco. Eco reminded me of some memories, not all of which are sweet. But nevertheless was an experience.
Followed the mid term, with a mother of all parties at SV1, by the wives. Take a bow, the better halves. Was cool, had hyd house serving dinner. The music was good, the perfect setting for some beer and good old fashioned gawking. Oh ! yeah , we had to dress up in pairs, no talk of that.
Had guru's b'day on the same day, and the eco frustration was all directed on him. Had most of my sec getting dunked, more on this glorious tradition later. So with that my weekend had begun in all earnest.
The other thing worth noting is the inter sec f-ball tourney, my sec did well to reach the semis ( why did I not play! I'm yet to demonstrate my utility to the honchos, till then , Ill just stick to reporting). BTW, E won 13-2 against SecC. Hail piero.
What am I doing at this late hour, Game theory still continues to haunt me, vaguely remember studying it in my previous incarnation, and being severly mutilated at my feeble attempt to proclaim my "understanding of games", but hey, another day and fresh pair of trousers.
Thats it folks, some random notes.
1. See some potential COI happening in my G
2. Booked my Ts to Bang.
3. Have to slog it out for the next 2 weeks.
4. Have loads of stuff to do ..... and more of it...zzzzzzz
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