Monday, March 06, 2006

Intent of Disengagement....

Finally put in my papers today. Realised my folly soon enough, when Sit..came up with a May day exit. Had a discussion with Sit..and Shir..., they would have to consult others before deciding when to relieve me, that would happen on Friday. Probably would have to coax them into relieving me ealier. Managed go get my Loan papers sorted and have sent it to sis back home and have mailed BS about what he needs to be my guarantor. Hope this goes fine. Life is indeed strange, some months ago, what seemed like a life's reward now just seems so ordinary. I guess "perspective" is something one should never lose sight of ( now how to avoid that preposition at the end).

That sorted, work was a bit hazy today. Not sure how I spent almost 9 hours simply lost in deep thought. Also, managed to wake up from my slumber w.r.t to my ESOPs. Now the logistics of getting the huge amount is another nightmare I need to grapple by the 15th of this month. Out of 12 months ( 4 months consitute insider tranding window ). Should get this done though, but as usual breathing very hard to what seems like a simple thing to many. The trick is not to just to win the race , but to do so without breathing very hard.

I am totally loosing sight of the other things in my Life these days. I guess at some point , one must just come out clean, open up and take and present life as it is. Black and white. Felt really heavy, when Shri..and Sit..made references to future education. Did well not to lie, but then why I did not tell them ?. Why ? Sit...has been very kind to me. He DOES deserve to know where I go.

Will tell them about it tomorrow ? First thing. See, I am beginning to feel good. Did go the gym today, was late and the gym was a bit deserted, and this made me feel even worse. AG has been kind in getting my transport sorted.

Seperation is always painful. As it the case of my first school, if some one asks me my company while sleeping, i wouldn't be surprised if I say In....

Hope I have a good day tomorrow.



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