Thank do...
Plans are afoot to get some leaving drinks to my folks out here in Londres. Have spoken to a few guys out here and all are very positive about it. Hope to have a great time here. Folks back home are very eager to meet me, it has been a long winter.
This winter has seen some good times as well as bad ones, the implications of the decisions taken now are probably going to dawn upon me in the years to come. But life goes on, bolder !.
And yes, made a £30K deal in two hours. This was my first, deal/sold experience. The earlier ones were more or less planned, but this one was a coup. Things moved really fast. Made me believe that I was born for such roles.
I have promised myself never to get back into the shell I've put myself in the last 10 years ( '96 was a bad year for me).
Plans for saturday, Camera ! Camera.
Thats it from me
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